Here at Willows Bend Farm we believe that all herbs are medicinal. It is certainly true that herbs have been used to cure diseases for millennia. Even herbs we ordinarily view as strictly culinary have medicinal properties. For example, Rosemary tastes great with wild game and is a potent anti-microbial.
In fact, we believe that all food is medicine. We are not the first to come up with this idea. The great Greek philosopher Hippocrates said it originally: “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” After all, we are what we eat.
If you eat quality food, minimally processed and seasoned with herbs instead of unpronounceable synthetic chemicals, you will feel better. Have a hearty beef stew instead of a prefabricated meal wrapped in layers of paper and plastic. Or maybe an adventurous Middle Eastern dish is more to your liking. Bake your own bread. It’s easier than you think. Buy local meat raised on small farms rather than factory farms. Your body will thank you.